If one reads history, one sees that price inflation is possibly the most destructive force known to man. That is because it leads to social insanity and bad governance.
The BIS and the League of Nations failed because they did not appreciate the role of inflation in creating the preconditions that would spawn social unrest and militarism in the 1930s.
During the period 2000-2011, The IMF allowed it's key members to create inflation and we see the results in the disintegration of societies and economies worldwide. It's still early days, but the social pain being experienced as a consequence of rising world inflation rates will lead to uncontrollable political change and eventually the rise of militarism.
Inflation is the process that needs attention. It must be stopped!
Woohs stream at http://woohs.blogspot.com taps into many streams of thought and action. Nearby yoga at http://nearyoga.blogspot.com taps into human body movement using yoga techniques and Kundalini meditation. At Togwells Publishing we focus on people's notions of pilgrimage of body, mind, and soul, http://togwells.blogspot.com. Whatever your beliefs, there is no end to motion, just evolution and unrelenting change, seen or unseen. Energy is motion both in reality and calculation. Take time to rest even though all inside you is always moving. Your massive relative pause gives opportunity for other smaller streams to catch up. Take time to meditate so that you can see with your mind what lies within and beyond.