My position has been that excessive debt is a very likely precursor to conflict. In political terms no single thing can be said to cause another. Explanations of the downhill slide in Europe during the 1920s and 1930s cannot be boiled into single causes. That internal social conflict rose because of debilitating inflation in house values cannot be ignored by saying it was due to inflation per se. The call for conquest arose because of fear by the majority that they would not have a dignified home in relative terms. We should not forget that the fear was let lose through the expansion of debt and the various ways communities delt with it; some by knuckling under, others by random violence, others by organised violence, and some by organised political solutions we never want to see again. How will your community cope?
Will ye no think kindly on those who would be your friends! May the sun shine with your thoughts, today, and happiness grow in your heart! May you allow yourself some peace of mind.
Will ye no think kindly on those who would be your friends! May the sun shine with your thoughts, today, and happiness grow in your heart! May you allow yourself some peace of mind.