Given the nature of the profitable food industry these days, you are probably being conned left and right to eat more of the same boring stuff because there is the fact that eating is seen as a means to get over hunger. If your eating habits are determined by a poor provider, whether mother, restaurant or grocer, they will normally follow the easy route of bulking you up, giving you more, rather than satisfying your need, by giving you what you really need.
The chef nearest you probably has a lumberjack chef mentality, which is to potato up the client. Almost everyone in the food preparation business is into the same game. If you doubt me, ask yourself the question whether you have eaten a really good meal lately that was half the size of your regular feed. I would claim that you are probably being fed tasteless rubbish. Its time you had a really good meal. You will know it because you will be satisfied and you will eat less than half of what everyone else is eating.