Just as in times past, within a population of people some individuals have developed a complex, a political pyscho-pathology, V Putin of the Russian Federation has followed. He is popular in Russia because he markets his popularity, no other reason. He has advantages few Russians possess, yet chooses to follow a path of self deception in which his country people suffer, clang, clang. The chains are there in the minds of most Russians. A dictator knows his own kind and the Syrian dictator comes to mind. Together, they will change the map of their communities so that future generations will remove all trace of respect for their despicable lives. The statues built in their honour will be as dust.
I am so pleased that Don has followed the lead of Prince Charles in condemnation of what Putin is doing. In the end, many will lose their earthly lives removing the Putin menace from earth, but it will happen. The war criminal must go, and he will.
Dr. Georgiy Mamedov, July 24, 2014
Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Canada
Embassy of the Russian Federation
285 Charlotte St, Ottawa ON K1N 8L5
Dear Dr. Mamedov:
The recent events in the Ukraine have once again reminded us that Vladimir Putin is the key figure in the orchestration of events that have destabilized the international community and brought about an international catastrophe. His activities cannot but help remind us of Adolf Hitler who did the same several decades earlier.
Like Hitler before him, Mr. Putin meddles in the internal affairs of adjacent nations to achievehis geo-political objectives.
Like Hitler, he has designs on the territorial integrity of neighbouring states.
Like Hitler, he supports insurgents in territories adjacent to him to promote instability.
Like Hitler, he encourages nationals to stir up trouble and destabilize democratic governments.
Like Hitler, he uses surrogates to achieve territorial expansion.
Like Hitler, he arms insurgents that promote his political objectives.
Like Hitler, he lies regarding his aims and objectives.
Like Hitler, he controls the national media that serves as his apologist.
Like Hitler, he ignores the pleas of the international community.
Like Hitler, he condones international incidents that contribute to instability.
Like Hitler, he engages in brinkmanship and risks war.
Like Hitler, he does not seem to care how much grief he causes families or nations.
And finally like Hitler, Mr. Putin who has considerable power and opportunity to do good has chosen instead to be a menace to the world community.
Donald M. Santor
Copies to: Mr. Stephen Harper and Cabinet
Opposition Leaders
Members of Parliament
200 Friends and Associates