Sunday 22 June 2014

In my in email this morning. Canadian Conservatives are the real losers.... Smear Campaigns and Disrespect for the parliamentary Process. Are the Conservatives Canada's New Fascist Party? They seem to be be?

Sad state of Canadian politics when Canadian / Yankee Doodle style big business takes over Canadian politics and uses Russian Solviet era military disinformation tactics. Why the WAR like effort? Its because you have done it repeatedly before. We know you by your methods if not by your faces. 

Reject these people soundly.

Reform the Canadian political process.... Real democracy and respect for diversity does not come by smear campaigns. 

Don't rush your best ideas. Grow them....


Subject: FW: Unbelievable:

Mr. Harper:


You ought to be ashamed of yourself.  Is this how you practise family values?  Just how much lower can you go?  This kind of election campaign advertising can be done only with your approval and  consent.  This is practising the politics of desperation.  But you, and you alone, can take the Conservative Party out of the gutter. You alone can put an end to Conservative election smearing...if you want to.  This will be part of your legacy.




Don S


Subject: Unbelievable:




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