I think the world now realizes that the idiots sit on the right side of the equation.
Have you ever seen such a bunch of buffoons and crazies? The world suffers because a crew of louts with loads of power, wealth, money, and influence don't really know what hard work is.
Far from being America's future the rightists and tea party people are hangers on and have outlived their ability to guide and control. Most people see the power vacuum left by these opportunists who are party poopers and losers by any humanist / humane reckoning!
Give US a break!
"Truth and reality, once told or experienced, is only a stranger before the first instance. One must learn to recognise one's ephemeral friends very soon. Some experience, sense and recognise both the truth and reality before it happens, while others never at all."
I think it is important to be frequently optimistic and thoughtful!
More... http://Woohs.blogspot.com
Concerned about cell towers? ... http://southcott.blogspot.com
As put by Charles Darwin to Francis Galton: ' […] I have always maintained that, excepting fools, men did not differ much in intellect, only in zeal and hard work; I still think this an eminently important difference.'"