Hacking may be only the surface of it! Ever heard of the Trojan horse? Embedding access into computers is a great temptation for such contrarianists!
If its not the Chinese with hacking, it's the Russians with EMF field weapons, and cellphones guided into targets of US drones or bleaching your brain remotely!
Scratch your mind around this denial by the Chinese in the face of a detailed study. Why the WTO does not now place an embargo on Chinese made computers and equipment, I don't know? It's like eating horse-meat advertised as beef!
Buy American, people will say! Who can trust anyone?
A worldwide trade investigation of suspect Chinese equipment is needed.
Read about the hidden dangers of WIFI for babies and children.
Go to my website homepage for things to stretch your head around ...
Sketches from scratches: http://Woohs.blogspot.com