Maria Morrison/NLP (@firstnationbook) Thank your for following FirstNationBook. Ningwakwe Learning Press is happy to have you as a follower. Thu Jul 28 20:46:17 2011 |
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Maria Morrison/NLP (@firstnationbook) Thank your for following FirstNationBook. Ningwakwe Learning Press is happy to have you as a follower. Thu Jul 28 20:46:17 2011 |
31/07/2011 02:18 AM Caring for Your Introvert - The Atlantic: via @AddThis |
PDF Ebook Download (@4pdf) invisible hand adam smith: Sat Jul 30 16:20:30 2011 |
29/07/2011 06:30 PM How to Double Your Retweets In Two Days | #TwitterTips RT @sandmaxprime @arkarthick |
See example below:
This is not America, it's a zoo manufactured by a mistaken attitudes of crazy people like Palin of Alaska and who knows what depressed minds are out there plotting horrible futures for America. It is a war of a group of activist right winged politicians towards the plight of less fortunate people.
It makes Rupert Murdoch seem angelic in comparison, except that the names of the right wing Americans involved are so very forgettable. They are to be denied power because they abuse it.
What happens in America affects us all, and when we see the emptiness of the political debate going on there, we can only hope it does not destroy the rest of the world because it really is destructive of America.
27/07/2011 12:48 PM Here's the future: The beginning of the end of Google, and why Apple is the creator's friend |
Give your critical and thinking person a promotion and responsibility!
Unfortunately, it is the one sector that should pay it's way and if it can't the rest of the economy suffers. If the market has any role at all it is in seeing that the core housing sector can be self sustaining without government support in the form of interest tax rebates, low interest rates and spending above a sustainable rate linked to migration and demographics.
What Bush did was make the 1980s Texas mistake for the whole country encouraging land speculation and excessive growth in the housing sector. That pushed up housing prices and has as we are seeing reduced overall housing and industrial growth. It was a fool hardy policy and unsustainable.
The danger is that some idiots may take the situation to a stage beyond repair. If taxes don't rise then interest rates will.... My prediction!
Obama! Well, perhaps one has to redefine leadership to include making choices that don't continue business as usual. President Obama leads in a very different way from Bush in that he asks people to consider Americans first, and not the profit margin.
Investors have a habit of migrating their money to places like China.
Had Bush been less keen to push forward a political agenda that really divided the rich from the poor, we / the world would not be in such a mess! If it's the blame game then look to past leadership!
25/07/2011 10:42 PM Ratings Agency Source: Boehner plan would lead to downgrade of U.S. debt, Reid plan would preserve AAA rating |
25/07/2011 05:15 PM Electric Cars Are Doing Fine, Electric Carmakers Struggle: |
25/07/2011 05:09 PM Norway killer Anders Behring Breivik had extensive links to English Defence League |
25/07/2011 07:30 AM 5 Do's and 5 Don'ts of Social Media |
25/07/2011 07:03 AM Bookselling After Borders: Where will book sales from the nation's #3 go? |
24/07/2011 10:01 PM U.S. trucking funds reach Taliban, military-led investigation concludes - @washingtonpost |
Do you read a Murdoch paper? Why? Well, the odds are that your views are a bit Murdoch like! And, maybe increasingly so over time, which would explain so much within a group behavioural psychology or sociology framework.
Do you have a personal core or are you just a fob 'fact of business', a statistical data point in a world of addictive allegiances!
24/07/2011 08:15 AM Congress "nutters" risk global finance: UK minister |
How and who do you tax? Seems a lot of people got cheap or free money they did not deserve and a lot of poor or honest working folk are still paying for other people's gambling habits.
Is the Republican party saying the subsidies to bankers, gamblers and speculators subsidies should now be forgotten? Who is accountable?
There are a million stories in the big city and too many phone hacking crimes by news and related people for the London police to prosecute! Might as well close down the news industry....
Not enough judges or jury members!
New way to end unemployment! Have everyone serve on a jury. London where everyone is spying on you.
If it's not cameras it's listening devices.
Brave new world where police celebrate their inactivity with champagne!
24/07/2011 02:49 AM Phone #hacking: Police chief Andy Hayman paid for champagne dinners with #notw journalists |
23/07/2011 05:37 AM How to survive a five-year slump: The US housing market is at an historic low. Eventually, it will bounce back |
23/07/2011 05:55 AM Competition improves the quality of newspapers. Or does it? |
23/07/2011 07:39 AM The Globe and Mail on book apps: A Reading Revolution, Or the End of Reading? |
23/07/2011 07:37 AM Man kills at least 91 in Norway shooting, bombing |
22/07/2011 08:00 PM #SecClinton vision of new Silk Road in Central and South Asia would especially boost #Afghanistan's economy. |
22/07/2011 08:11 PM Video: Finally, a video that captures the Queen's "horrid" remarks while viewing the royal exhibit with Kate today... |
22/07/2011 07:01 PM George Osborne had dinner with Rupert #murdoch two weeks before BSkyB bid decision |
22/07/2011 06:06 PM Former Sunday Mirror journalist "saw Liz Hurley's phone being hacked and a reporter listen to her mobile phone messages". #newsnight |
22/07/2011 06:06 PM Former Sunday Mirror journalist told Richard Watson hacking took place "pretty much every day". #newsnight |
We all wonder how this will pan out given the secrecy and lack of transparency coming out of Sri Lanka? 22/07/2011 05:45 PM #US votes to ban #Sri# Lanka aid unless govt shows 'accountability' for #civil #war bloodshed |
22/07/2011 03:09 PM Verizon iPhone sales dash hopes; shares fall |
22/07/2011 03:19 PM Poetry Society annual meeting ends in no confidence vote |
22/07/2011 09:38 AM Rebecca Eckler with an interesting glimpse into the state of Canadian publishing today via @npbooks |
22/07/2011 10:56 AM Here is direct link to the @torontolibrary petition to stop closure & privatization. Thanks to all, pass it around.. |
22/07/2011 12:02 PM Android users: explore London's streets in 3D following an update to the Google Maps application: |
22/07/2011 07:51 AM Winning poems from @activagersUK midlife poetry competition announced |
22/07/2011 10:19 AM Ever stood in front of museum "art" and thought a grade-schooler could have done as well? Story... #culture |
22/07/2011 10:50 AM "Art and sham Art - It's Important to Know the Difference" - article on my blog #beauty |
21/07/2011 12:10 PM Happy Birthday, Ernest Hemingway: |
Our freedoms depend on fair dealing and honesty, but who is working to reveal the cheaters and dishonest!
In London England, we see an unhealthy relationship developed between the police and reporters. Why?
What should we expect in a world where terrorism exists as much fictional as real?
We are mired in an unfair world economy in which banks and borrowers are subsidized while working people are laid off. The screw has turned and we will see negative consequences.
It's not a question of possible steps toward what a world central bank could accomplish, it's a question of massive maturity mismatch and the mathematics of business cycles!
Having made monstrous policy mistakes, there is no easy exit like waving a magic money wand!
Cameron would do well to resign!
I am neither Republican or Democrat just an observer. But, Republican credibility is a great as who they propose Americans to vote for and the ludicrousness of their latest thinking on serious environmental and economic issues! They do need help of the fundamental form.
We can all wonder at the mad hatters that put together Republican environmental policy which is full of stupid ideas, YES! stupid stupid stupid stupid ideas! Stupid people producing stupid ideas!!!
What creepy crawly hole does the minimum brain of these ideas come from. They are so damaging to the Republican cause as to create wonder and amazement that people could be so blind to the obvious needs of the sensitive people and fragile world they live it.
Well, let's just light up a cigarette and vote Republican! Maybe American will become a one party nation if the stupidity of the policy makers at the Republican headquarters continues unabated.
Obama is a shoe in!,8599,2082885,00.html
Would Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland ever become fascist states outside the EU? Unthinkable or likely?
No our best bet is massive default, a few really big bank failures, and countries paying their way afterwards?!
How long can the IMF now keep the illusion going that people will tolerate unreasonable transfers of wealth to unscrupulous banks. It is not thinkable as a sustainable international monetary policy.
Banks need to shrink, the big implode happen and shareholders in banks take a massive loss for their sins!
Big bangs have to have big implosions or have we forgotten the cyclical physics!
But, having heard and read reams of stuff about how immoral News of the World had become, I see hypocrisy throughout.
I put it down to the post Solviet period or post cold war period in which people let their standards drop. It was a period similar to that after the First World War.
Be warned that such letting down of the social fabric of society results in ..... Worse!
Rupert Murdoch connection?
Muriel McKay mistaken for Anna Murdoch, Rupert's wife!,_Baron_Rawlinson_of_Ewell
As a young man, I was interviewed by police after the kidnapping/murder in Wimbledon! News of World was shaken by this kidnapping/murder!
Burglary at home of Alick McKay of the News of the World!!!!!
Muriel McKay was missing? Mystery? No one knows what happened to her!
Murder without a body?
Smoking gun?,,106506,00.html
Maxwell claimed 'war of jungle' effort by Murdoch against him! What did he really mean?
Why are people terrified of the Murdoch family?
Murdoch outsmarted Maxwell the same year 1969 to take over News of the World.
Any connection? Would you do the forensic research?
Murdoch lived where in 1969 or near that time? Wimbledon?
Why not!
It should be because there is intent to break the law! It's like the collecting of photos by pedophiles!
Hackers should be listed like pedophiles and restrictions placed on their ownership and use of electronic devices.
Your name and details could be secretly sold or collected and that should be illegal.
That is serious stuff!
Having such private information should be considered criminal! Being singled out for hacking should be seen as criminal!
In viewing debate in the House of Lords, we observe The Baroness Rawlings state that she and the government are bound by the rule of law.
She does not see how deep the corruption is presently seated.
It is like a severe pneumonia killing of democratic institutions.
The British tools of law enforcement were found glaringly wanting, and without law there will be a wave of discontent that could pull us close to a fascist state where a rule of law dictated by individuals rather than government prevail. The rapid rise of Herr Himmler and Herr Hitler in Germany during the 1930's comes to mind. They controlled the press! Power corrupts and Rupert Murdoch has had too much power. We see how it has corrupted him, the media, and the British police! We need to end that process by contrivance within the law before it is too late.
We should not mistake that the next decade are defining years for British democracy. We need to get it right and provide for higher ethical standards.
One way is to stop advertising in Murdoch controlled media!
The new subversive army of the modern age is made up of private spies than are paid by unscrupulous individuals, such as Rupert Murdoch and Colonel Quadaffi, who see themselves as international forces for 'good' as defined by their own ethical rules, but which are considered outside national laws!
Since at least 2000, the police were supposed to enforce the law on the phone hackings, but we find they were controlled by agents of media and international moneyed interests.
We are still seeing only the scum on the surface because we don't have an independent media, but one controlled by corrupting international investors bent on taking away our long sought after freedoms and privileges.
We are affected by a monstrous lag between law enforcement and the committing of criminal acts.
There is not enough money in the coffers to enforce the law.
In such a situation, people need to look after their own interests.
Law and order has broken down because there is not enough money and influence to pay for it's enforcement! We are at the mercy of the profits made by unscrupulous media groups who seem determined to defy, change and break the law to their advantage.
People like Murdoch who have money define the law in such a way as to make more money and commit more acts of defiance against the law.
They even avoid taxation the only way law can be legal enforced!
We are thus left in a bind of having a permanent breaking of the law as an institution controlled by Rupert Murdoch and profitable media enterprise!???????
We the public will not buy your goods and services and will have long memories that you supported Rupert's influence on Britain!
Now we see it for what it is... Profiteering by unethical newspapers destroys our trust. We saw this in banking and now in the media!
Some of us are beyond anger!
We have long had our suspicions that Rupert Murdoch's interests did not coincide with those of a democracy. We realized increasingly how much our publishing industry had changed because of our inability to control excesses in the media and through the media to all institutions we rely on for security and moral social behavior.
We feel betrayed by Murdoch and his corrosive agents. We want action to close his influence down.
We are really upset that any one could promote unethical behavior for profit. We want Murdoch's influence minimized!
We saw the role of Murdoch's immoral media empire to erode our best values taking them to the gutter. We are saddened by what has happened and horrified that it could continue. We will not tolerate corruption.
We propose a boycott against agents of such low dealing and unethical behavior.
We also saw moral corruption spread via the unethical media throughout parliament, throughout the banking industry, and throughout political processes.
We now know that the framework of our democracy is based on morality and ethics. We realize that our media need to be ethical and that the Murdoch business model works against this!
We realize that Murdoch's business model is increasing in conflict with our democratic ideals. We see increasingly a deficit in ethics emanating from the press where everything goes.
We realize that this is due to Murdoch's business model which is corrosive to ethics and which spreads the behavioral disease of unethical behavior throughout the publications world into all media and into our police force.
We learn that Murdoch's influence is like a contagious flu that sickens our society and reduces the works we see and hear in our media to the lowest of human experience.
We speculate on how far this process will destroy our willingness to live together as a happy community. One rotten apple, that of Murdoch's media world has rotted our media world!
We have long had our doubts because the case was always too easy and rape just seemed so very unlikely in the circumstances despite the history of womanizing of DSK!
We learned hat the woman is not a saint as portrayed earlier. We learn that money was to be gained by fraud and misrepresentation.
We learn of criminal involvement, and we wonder more and more about the naughty if the New York prosecutor's Office. We learn of the prosecutor's political ambitions.
More and more, we lose confidence in the legal process and more and more we feel sorry for DSK.
We wonder who was pulling hidden strings and whether therecwas a hidden political agenda originating from France.
We see French political interests too focussed on destroying the career of DSK, and we learn of the dangerous political processes evident in France that we anticipate leaked over into the US legal process.
We see the prosecutor's office as a victim of political intrigue emanating from Guinea and France.
These learnings are not easily removed now the cat is out of the bag! DSK has suffered enough....from this nonsense!