This current period may become known as the 'greater' depression caused by Obama's administration unless? What do you think would change things around and would America be the mover?
Is any economy free to do what it's leaders want in military politics or are we seeing the limits of independent action finally take hold? Can America finance nation building alone without everyone being dragged into the costs whether they like it or not. We are an interdependent system but think like we still have far and sweeping independence of action which is false.
Will not time reveal the lasting importance of friends and mutual respect? Be kind to those who think well of you and those you know and try to add positive elements to your world. Promote peace in your heart and sunshine in the minds of those around you by your own good works. Elevate the level of discussion by thinking less of the issues and more of how you can reduce the tension of stress that arises with honest disagreement. Relax by breathing more deeply and consciously.