Little boy is three years old. Big dog is three years old, a loving golden lab. No one around! Little boy wants to get from garage to living room, but big dog is in the kitchen and the kitchen is in front of the living room. Little boy has to pass big dog if little boy wishes to arrive in living room!
First time little boy attempts to get by big dog, tongue comes out and big dog aims tongue at little boy's face. Little boy is terrified and runs away back outside. "Help! Someone help! A montrous big dog is chasing me," yells little boy. Man outside hears yelling. "What's the matter, little kid," he asks? "A huge giant dog is trying to get me," shouts little boy. Man thinks about this and realizes the problem.
"I'll help you," he says, thinking that he can get little boy past big dog, easy as pie! Dog sees man. Tongue comes out. Dog runs at man and knocks him over. Dog sits on man licking his face. Little boy runs by big dog and man shouting, "Thanks!"